
Phone - Fax - Voice Mail     219-762-8767

Emergency Phone - Text - Cell    630-661-3623


Spring 10-7  M-F   Sat 9-3   (Sun by Appnt)

Summer 9-6 T-F   Sat 9-3  (Mon Closed)  (Sun by Appnt)

Email Link

Main Office, Service, Sales, Rentals

Miller's Marine Center   

1305 S.R. 249, Portage, Indiana, 46368

From 94 exit at Route 249 and go North (exit is #19 the Bass Pro exit)

Go through one intersection (there will be a Family Express gas station on N.E. corner) continue north about a 1/4 mile on 249. 

Turn right at the first drive after crossing the small river. We are on your right hand side (on east side of 249), 

We are only about a 1/4 mile north of Route 94. 

If you end up at our Marina (Miller's Westerman's Marina) you are on the west side of 249! 

Our main office is across 249. Go back out to 249 and go left (North) and look to your right!

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